Kutchi Kurti L size

Batik has been practiced in Java, Indonesia for centuries. It is a creative art of decorating and colouring cloth using wax. It is an Indonesian method of hand printing textile by wax coating. The word BATIK is derived from Javanese language. It is the mixture of two words Amba (to write) and Titik (dot). The procedure of making batik is very intricate and time taking. Some other name of batik are batiq, batique, hand print, block print.
The selected area of a cloth is blocked by wax using a block or hand carved wooden blocks to make different designs. Then the cloth is dyed. The wax stuck on the parts of the cloth resists the dye. Then the wax is removed by boiling the cloth in hot water and the result is eye catching. Elaborate and beautiful designs are enough to allure eyes. Contemporary batik is markedly different from the traditional and formal styles. The craftsman may use etching, stencils and different tools for waxing and dyeing. it is also known as batik, batiq, batique, hand print, block print batik. contact us for more info.